About Mtoto Africa


Our Important Values

Our Misson

The mission of Mtoto Africa is to break generational cycles of poverty by providing quality education for children in Africa.

Our Vision

Our vision is to supplement the education expenses for half of our enrolled underprivileged students through scholarships with the others paying full tuition.

Theory of Change

Mtoto Africa was launched in 2008, by founder, Fredrick Gituku. Initially, we began services through our Comet House in 2014, which was a home to 12 underprivileged children from a Kenyan village where Fredrick grew up. They were provided basic needs like clothing, shelter, food and academic supports, which allowed them to focus on education. Given the success of the program, and considering education needs and magnitude we identified over time, we decided to start our own school. Most schools, private and public tend to have large class sizes, some up to 70 in a classroom and only one educator in the room.

The Comet House School intends to include pre-school and grades Kindergarten through 12th. Our vision is to supplement the education expenses for half of our enrolled underprivileged students through scholarships with the others paying full tuition. In alignment with our Theory of Change, this gives underprivileged children the same advantage of a quality education and a chance to break generational cycles of poverty.



Mtoto Africa is making an amazing impact in the lives of children in Kenya through education. When you make a donation to this organization your investment receives a 200% return. Click the donation button to learn more.